Friday, October 4, 2013

The Best Part

"Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh words nor measure thoughts, but pouring them all out like chaff and grain together- certain that a faithful hand will keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away."
~George Eliot

I am so thankful for this right here.  For this guy who loves me down to my toes.  We will celebrate 19 years of marriage at the end of this year.  Which means I have loved him for over 26 years.  We were just kids when this all began.  It's been God's tremendous grace that has held us close together and sustained us through highs and lows over these many years.  There were many times when the kids were little that the space between us was great. Time was a commodity that we didn't have.  I look back and wish we would have been more mature to recognize it and close that gap, but we didn't...but then we learned how to. 

In recent years we have felt the ties between us strengthen greatly.  We now dedicate alot of time to each other.  We are in the stage of our lives when time together is more available and it's easier to escape.   Sometimes it is more sparse or we are worn thin, but we still make it happen.  We have quickly felt the effects if our time together is lacking, so it has become a priority.  We love the time.  We spend quiet conversations dreaming of future things or wrestling through hard issues. We are side by side pushing ourselves toward new goals in running or cycling.  We are together encouraging our kids, talking about scripture, challenging each other in weaknesses, sustaining each other in hardship & celebrating joyful blessings. 

We want our kids to be clear about the fact that we love each other deeply.  I don't think there is any doubt.  Even more, we want them to see that The LORD is the center of it all.  So, this is the best part.  The best part that continues to get better even though we can't imagine the need for it to...but it does. 

"...a threefold cord is not quickly broken."  Ecclesiastes 4:12 


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