Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Water Giver

Maybe I should have been a pilot who drops supplies from a plane to displaced citizens....or a nurse bandaging injured soldiers in the middle of the dessert...or a humanitarian aid worker in a refugee camp....maybe running an orphanage for hundreds without parents in a third world country. I don't know, but I admire these people. They are heroes in my eyes. They see social injustice and they go to the front lines, actively doing something to change oppression...or at least showing that they hate it.

Since I am none of these things, I wrestle with what I can do when I see oppression of any sort. Whether witnessing it on my BBC news app, or witnessing it in Walmart, it is everywhere. Some days it seems too overwhelming to to know what to do, or how to act. But, that is exactly where evil wants to keep me....US. Standing complacent on the sidelines, gazing at the flowers when great injustices are being played out day after day right in front of us.

The pattern of the condition of society starts with me. It starts with each of us. How we treat each other. How we talk to one another. How we teach our kids to do the same. It's cyclical. It matters. Choosing to allow others to go first. Choosing to not have the last or loudest word...choosing to listen, instead. Seeing children in our society as a great treasure instead of annoyances or inconveniences.

The Guy I look to for advise and counsel on these things has shown me how huge giving even just a cup of water can be to someone. He shows me consistently how it's possible to reach out with love to the oppressed and the oppressors alike. It's amazing, because most people would think that would be impossible....and it is actually, to me, without His guidance. He lays out what that looks like beautifully. And, here I am, not a pilot or a humanitarian worker or orphanage runner...but just a person who can give water and encouragement....and kindness.

"If you are content to simply be yourself, 
you will become MORE than yourself." 
Luke 14:11 msg

Discouragement can come swiftly and blindside a seemingly good day. The harsh words of a few can take that cup of water in your hand and feel like it just got dumped on your head. But, recently I was reminded of endurance so well through the example of another guy named Nehemiah. He faced some pretty tough opposition in a huge undertaking. Yet, he ran back, time and time again, to the first Guy I spoke of, for guidance and wisdom. It's an amazing testimony to accomplishing big things and keeping focused. Throughout the process, he was able to encourage oppressed people and change the hearts of some oppressors too. Seems pretty impossible, but it can happen. 

So, when you feel like throwing in the towel in regards to your impact on humans, don't. We just can't. This whole thing matters too much. Encouraging the hearts of people in a hard world matters, not only because it is rare, but because we need each other. There is something huge in giving encouragement, or help, or kindness, or that cup of water. These are binding agents that miraculously impact and knit souls together....and change people. And this shows that we work the front lines together.  I guess I just needed reminded. Maybe you did too. Flowers are wonderful, but I don't want to stand there all day.

"Give a cool cup of water to someone 
who is thirsty. 
The smallest act of giving 
makes you a true apprentice." 
Matthew 10:41 msg

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