Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nothing Better

For me, one of the great joys in life is watching my kids when they don't know I'm watching them.  I love to see them interact with each hear their conversations and their laughter.  It's great when we are a part of it.  But, somehow watching them as an outsider gives me a peak into their lives as I don't see it in our typical, daily family interactions.  We are blessed that our kids get along so well and enjoy being together.  I treasure all of these moments of hearing their discussions, seeing their rough, round-a-bout hugs, hearing their laughter, and feeling the shake of the house as they wrestle. 

My heart aches to think about them leaving our house one day and our family being dispersed.  Yet, I know it is what is needed and natural so they can grow and enjoy this treasure that we have been overwhelmingly blessed with of a family of our own.  We will expand and yet become more compact.  So, for now, I will soak in every moment of the craziness and sweet sounds of this home.  There is nothing better than those moments when time slows just a bit so I can do so.

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